How-To Info

There are a lot of different color spaces and color codes available today, CMYK, RGB, HSL, HEX are among the most popular, and with different programs using different spaces it can become very tiresome very quick to keep your colors consistent. We found a nifty little online color code converter that makes converting your company’s brand of blue, or any color that you’re working with, from RGB to HEX, or HEX to HSLA a dream.

What we really love about this one is the fact that the color your working on makes up the entire background of the webpage making it super easy to confirm you got the right color.  I can enter in Patey Design’s brand-specific color of orange and get the correct color codes across all the major spaces. 

Bonus: You can even get random colors simply by hitting the ALT key. This is really fun for design practice, hit ALT a few times, get a random color, and design a branding package or logo around it, even if it’s an ugly color! Helps push your limits and comfort zone.

So simple, yet so powerful and effective.



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